"Dabinette" - single variety cider
A very good friend, way back in university days a hundred or more years ago, returned from a tutorial pleased as Punch, having been congratulated for putting “the “a” back in Kierkegaard”. Perhaps it was this event that encouraged us, rather less intellectually and rather more prosaically, to put an extra “e” into Dabinett.
Several people have commented on our “error”. Although Dabinett is a popular and well-known cider apple with cider afficianados, we struggle somewhat with its robust tannins. To make it more palatable (to our mind) we decided to make this the sweetest cider we’ve ever made by adding sufficient sugar to warrant describing it as a “Medium” cider. We hoped it would then be an easy-drinking but interesting party cider and thought that the extra “e” added a touch of frivolity to the name. The intention was then to add some blingy symbols and patterns and colours to the label to give it a party feel … but we somehow missed out that part of the process and ended up with our simple, straightforward label instead, with that extra “e” looking somewhat foolish. Maybe we’ll do the job properly next time.